InAWS TipbyLuca BertonRun a SQL Command/Query on PostgreSQL — Ansible module postgresql_queryHow to automate the running of SQL Query / Command in a “testdb” database on PostgreSQL using Ansible Playbook and postgresql_query module.Jun 18, 2022Jun 18, 2022
Luca BertonRenam a PostgreSQL Database — Ansible module postgresql_dbHow to automate the renaming from “testdb” database to “exampledb” on PostgreSQL using Ansible Playbook and postgresql_db module.Jun 16, 2022Jun 16, 2022
Luca BertonDrop a PostgreSQL Database — Ansible module postgresql_dbHow to automate the deletion of a “testdb” database on PostgreSQL using Ansible Playbook and postgresql_db module.Jun 15, 2022Jun 15, 2022
InAWS TipbyLuca BertonRestore a PostgreSQL Database — Ansible module postgresql_dbHow to automate the restore of a backup file of a “testdb” database on PostgreSQL using Ansible Playbook and postgresql_db module.Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
InAWS TipbyLuca BertonBackup a PostgreSQL Database — Ansible module postgresql_dbHow to automate the backup of a “testdb” database on PostgreSQL using Ansible Playbook and postgresql_db module.Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
Luca BertonGrant Privileges to User/Role on PostgreSQL Database — Ansible module postgresql_privsHow to automate the granting of all permission for “myuser” user/role on databaste “testdb” on PostgreSQL using Ansible Playbook and…Jun 10, 2022Jun 10, 2022
Luca BertonAllow md5 Connection for a PostgreSQL User / Role — Ansible module postgresql_pg_hbaHow to automate the creation of a PostgreSQL authentication file pg_hba.conf to allow the “myuser” user/role to connect using md5…Jun 9, 2022Jun 9, 2022
InAWS TipbyLuca BertonCreate a PostgreSQL User / Role — Ansible module postgresql_userHow to automate the creation of a “myuser” user/role on PostgreSQL using Ansible Playbook and postgresql_user module.Jun 9, 2022Jun 9, 2022