Optimizing Linux with chrt Mastering Process Scheduling

Unlock the Power of Real-Time Scheduling in Linux for Enhanced System Performance

Luca Berton
5 min readFeb 25, 2024



The chrt command in Linux is a powerful tool designed for manipulating the real-time attributes of a process. This command allows users to set or retrieve the real-time scheduling attributes of an existing process identified by its PID (Process ID), or to execute a command with specified scheduling attributes. Understanding how to use chrt effectively can significantly enhance system performance and responsiveness, especially in environments where real-time processing is critical. Below, we delve into the syntax, options, and practical examples to help you master the chrt command.


The basic syntax of the chrt command is as follows:

  • To set scheduling attributes for a command:
$ chrt [options] priority command [argument ...]
  • To set or get the scheduling attributes for an existing process:
$ chrt [options] -p [priority] pid

Policy Options

chrt offers several policy options to define the scheduling policy:

  • -b, --batch: Sets the…



Luca Berton

I help creative Automation DevOps, Cloud Engineer, System Administrator, and IT Professional to succeed with Ansible Technology to automate more things everyday